Harbor Springs Excavating, Inc.

Harbor Springs Excavating, Inc.


Excavating ContractorsLandcapingSand, Gravel & Stone

About Us

Harbor Springs Excavating expertise in septic systems has been earned through the construction of over 500 systems. Many of these have been large municipal style systems designed to serve commercial or subdivision developments.

The experience of Harbor Springs Excavating ranges from construction of simple gravity systems for the home owner, replacement of failed septic systems of all sizes, to the construction of large multi bed drainage systems with custom tanks and pumps as required by the engineers.

We also install some of the more technologically advanced systems required for building in marginally acceptable areas. Due to his knowledge of working septic systems, owner Tom Gallagher also serves on the Emmet County Sanitary Appeals Board.

With the knowledge garnered over the years of installing and servicing these systems Harbor Springs Excavating is proud to present our compilation of information about how to properly care for your septic system. Please feel free to download the files below for your use.


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Rep/Contact Info

  • Phone: (231) 347-1191
Greg Gallagher
  • Phone: (231) 347-1191

Printed courtesy of www.harborspringschamber.com – Contact the Harbor Springs Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
118 E. Main St., Harbor Springs, MI 49740 – (231) 526-7999 – info@harborspringschamber.com